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ChatGPT 在汉语学习与教学中的应用 / 蔡薇 

ChatGPT 在国际中文词汇教学中的表现与应用策略 / 孟凯

生成式人工智能辅助编写国际中文教育少儿读物的应用与实践——以 ChatGPT 与 Midjourney 为例 / 宋飞 谭钰璐 浦鈺 

Integration of ChatGPT into Project-based Learning: A Course Design Framework / Xin Liang, Jing Luo 

Enhancing Critical Thinking Skills with ChatGPT-Powered Activities in Chinese Language Classrooms / Xinliang Jiang, Jing Li, Chiu-Hung Chen 

Utilizing ChatGPT to Implement Differentiated Instruction / Qiuchen Li, Jiafan Zhang, Wei Cai


Introduction to the Special Issue of the Fourth International Symposium on Chinese Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (ISOCTAL-4) / Lan Yang, Ying Peng, Dongyan Chen, Chen Yang, Clare Wright

Local, Intermediate and Long-distance Binding: The Case of the Chinese Reflexive Ziji in the Long Bei-construction / Chen Yang, Valentina Brunetto

动词“呼吸”的句法特征探析 / 王少茗

蜷缩类身体动词的语法教学探析 / 周洁 王珊 陈姝池

An Investigation of English-Speaking Students’ Acquisition of Chinese Complements: From a Cognitive Linguistic Perspective / Yinyin Peng, Ying Peng

Chinese Second Language Learners’ Speaking Development During Study Abroad: Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency / Rongrong Guo

Applying the ZPD to Language Teaching: A Study of the Integration of an Online Assessment Tool into a Chinese Programme / Weiming Liu 

百宝箱语素字词典 / 夏诠真   

序法:汉语语法新探 / 苏立群 


International Students’ Attitudes toward Chinese Character Learning: Interplay with Motivation and External Educational Factors / Tian Hong, Luer Wang, Zhaojun Fan, Tingzhu Chen

对外汉语新手教师线上课堂纠正性反馈的调查与分析 / 冯雪莹   

职前国际中文教师线上教学能力成长情况研究——基于沙特阿拉伯中文项目的实践与反思 / 贺赟 张齐红

基于对比的中高级水平汉语二语学习者笔语词汇书面语特征的多维度考察 / 张江丽

A Cognitive Linguistics Approach to Teaching Chinese Classifiers: A Case Analysis for Classifier tiao / Jiahuan Zhang

基于多模态话语分析的立法汉语动词教学 / 殷久涵 王珊

A Preliminary Investigation of the Effectiveness of Quizizz on Vocabulary Acquisition Between Individual and Group Practices in Chinese as a Foreign Language High School Classes in the U.S.A. / Lih-Ching Chen Wang, Eddie T. C. Lam, Shi Jiang

网络环境下汉语学习者合作写作效果研究 / 许希阳 陈怡

国际中文教育专硕生利用语料库进行学位论文写作的调查与分析 / 王昌宇 刘运同

基于《参考框架》的《中文听说读写》文化教学内容编写研究 / 张冬秀 彭颖 曹莹

提  要  

ChatGPT 在汉语学习与教学中的应用

蔡   薇    卡尔加里大学

摘  要:ChatGPT 在汉语学习与教学中的应用得到了较为广泛的关注。初期讨论多集中在 ChatGPT可以执行的任务,如生成学习材料与测试题、提供信息与帮助、充当对话伙伴等 (Cai, 2023a)。这一阶段是 ChatGPT 的表层应用。在此基础上,我们需要更深入地探讨 ChatGPT 为语言习得创造的条件( 蔡薇, 2023;蔡薇,即将出版),开展实证研究,细致而深入地了解使用 ChatGPT对学习过程和结果的影响,并针对具体方面、结合理论及实证证据在语言学习与教学中应用ChatGPT。这一阶段是 ChatGPT 的理性应用。当 ChatGPT 或其他替代智能工具成为语言学习与教学中的“正常事物“ (“normalised” , Bax, 2003, p. 25) ,并“润物细无声地影响着汉语学习与教学”时( 蔡薇, 2023),这个阶段应该是 ChatGPT 的隐形应用。我们当前应该处在第一到第二阶段的过渡。本专刊展示 ChatGPT 在汉语学习与教学领域中的实证研究和具体应用,包含五篇文章。

ChatGPT 在国际中文词汇教学中的表现与应用策略

孟   凯    北京语言大学

摘  要:通过对 ChatGPT 在词汇教学(法)、词语辨析与关系、语义、构词、汉外词语对比五大方面12组问答测评,我们发现, ChatGPT 的优异表现依然体现在快速搜索、汇总信息及宏观逻辑列举上,语义的理解与分析仍是短板。ChatGPT 对二语词汇教学的特点、规律、规则与方法的了解和认识有限,搭配信息提供不足,专业性也不够强,这令它难以企及母语者的语感和语言学专业人士的分析力。我们从分别发挥 ChatGPT 和汉语教师的优势、提出一个好问题的三要素等方面,对 ChatGPT 的国际中文词汇教学应用提出了策略和建议。


生成式人工智能辅助编写国际中文教育少儿读物的应用与实践——以 ChatGPT 与 Midjourney 为例

宋   飞    北京第二外国语学院

谭钰璐    北京第二外国语学院

浦   鈺    北京第二外国语学院

摘  要:在海外中文学习者低龄化趋势显著的背景下,本文以 ChatGPT 与 Midjourney 为例,探讨了生成式人工智能在国际中文教育少儿读物编写中的应用路径,并开展了具体实践。本文首先分析了生成式人工智能和国际中文教育少儿读物结合应用的可行性和优越性,进而探讨了生成式人工智能辅助生成国际中文教育少儿读物内容和配套资源建设的路径,之后从纯文本读物、带插图读物、绘本读物三个方面讨论如何具体实践,最后对生成式人工智能与国际中文教育的协同发展进行展望。本文认为,应当充分利用生成式人工智能的优势,有效提升国际中文教育少儿读物的质量和多样性,以更好地服务于国际中文教育资源建设。


Integration of ChatGPT into Project-based Learning: A Course Design Framework

Xin LiangThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong SAR, China

Jing LuoThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong SAR, China

Abstract:This paper proposes the design of a course which integrates ChatGPT into Project-based Learning (PBL). It is a 12-hour Chinese language course which aims to cater to the diverse learning needs of the students in the formal Chinese language courses at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). The design of the course empowers learners to set their own intended learning outcomes and to determine a topic for a group project which leads to a product based on their learning needs and interests. They can achieve the intended learning outcomes through exploring and accomplishing the project with the guidance of the teacher and the utilization of ChatGPT. The course objective, content and sequencing, format and presentation, and assessment are illustrated based on Nation and Macalister’s (2010) model. Through the analysis of the findings, we have identified the various roles of learners, teachers, and ChatGPT in the course. This paper provides insights into the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in language education and a useful reference for future AIintegrated course design.

Key words:  Chinese curriculum design, Project-based Learning, ChatGPT  

Enhancing Critical Thinking Skills with ChatGPT-Powered Activities in Chinese Language Classrooms

Xinliang Jiang, University of Toronto Mississauga, Canada

Jing Li, University of Toronto Mississauga, Canada

Chiu-Hung Chen, University of Toronto Mississauga, Canada

Abstract:ChatGPT, an Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbot, emulates human-like conversations and is built upon OpenAI’s GPT language model introduced in 2018. In the context of language classroom activities, our observations indicate that language learners employ a spectrum of strategies during interactions with ChatGPT, reflecting Bloom’s taxonomy. These strategies encompass lower-order thinking (e.g., remembering, understanding, applying) and higher-order thinking (e.g., analyzing, evaluating, creating). Utilizing Bloom’s revised taxonomy (cited in Anderson & Krathwohl, 2001) as a framework for defining critical thinking (CT) skills, this paper seeks to investigate the impact of ChatGPT-powered activities on CT skill application within three Chinese language classrooms: introductory and intermediate courses for second language (L2) learners and an academic writing course for native Chinese speakers. It also investigates whether the nature of tasks contributes to learners’ application of CT. The following two research questions frame the current study: 1) Which CT skills are utilized in ChatGPT-empowered learning activities for both L2 learners of Chinese and native speakers of Chinese? 2) How do task types in ChatGPT-empowered learning activities relate to the application of CT skills among L2 learners of Chinese and native speakers of Chinese? This research adheres to an action research framework, marked by a cyclic process involving planning, execution, observation, and reflection (Kemmis and McTaggart, 2005, as cited in Burns, 2011). Qualitative data have been gathered to assess the application of CT skills among Chinese learners. The findings revealed that six levels CT skills including remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating, were consistently applied across all three language courses, irrespective of their levels of language proficiency. Second, task types in ChatGPT-empowered learning activities and the application of students’ CT abilities are intricately linked. The types of tasks play a crucial role in shaping the utilization and cultivation of different levels of CT skills. Consequently, these factors significantly impact the attainment of learning objectives.

Key words:Critical thinking (CT), ChatGPT, Chinese as a foreign language, computer-assisted language learning

Utilizing ChatGPT to Implement Differentiated Instruction

Qiuchen Li, University of Calgary, Canada 

Jiafan Zhang, University of Calgary, Canada 

Wei Cai, University of Calgary, Canada

AbstractThe study explores the potential of using ChatGPT in facilitating differentiated instruction, focusing on its ability to assess Chinese learners’ language abilities, produce materials in different genres and at different levels, create teaching tasks, and simulate assessments. The correlation was calculated between the original scores and ChatGPT-generated scores of forty-five randomly selected HSK test writing samples. Additionally, ChatGPT’s ability to generate diverse materials was tested by simulating thirty texts across various genres and levels. The study also examined ChatGPT’s capability in creating a range of tasks and assessments.The result showed a significant correlation between the original scores and those generated by ChatGPT, indicating its ability as a useful tool to measure learners’ language performance. ChatGPT demonstrated efficacy in generating materials spanning different genres and difficulty levels, aligned with the CEFR benchmarks. Given specific and well-structured prompts, ChatGPT proved adept in tailoring tasks and assessments. Further research is crucial to understand the application of ChatGPT in differentiated instruction.

Key words:ChatGPT, differentiated instruction, Chinese learners, language abilities

Introduction to the Special Issue of the Fourth International Symposium on Chinese Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (ISOCTAL-4)

Lan Yang, University of Leeds, UK

Ying Peng, University of Leeds, UK

Dongyan Chen, University of Greenwich, UK

Chen Yang, University of Leeds, UK

Clare Wright, University of Leeds, UK

Abstract: This special issue of the “International Journal of Chinese Language Teaching” comprises a selection of papers presented at the Fourth International Symposium on Chinese Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (ISOCTAL-4), held in June 2022 at the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom. This symposium series was established in 2015 and has become an advanced academic platform for cutting-edge research in Chinese theoretical and applied linguistics.At ISOCTAL-4, representatives from different countries gathered at the conference in person and online to discuss a wide range of topics and approaches in Chinese linguistics and language teaching. The symposium focused on five main areas: Chinese linguistic knowledge based on Chinese linguistic theory, exploring the question of “what to teach”; cognitive psychology-based perspectives on Chinese language acquisition, exploring “how to learn”; educational theories and methods based on pedagogy, looking at “how to teach”; new teaching technologies based on contemporary technological developments, exploring new modes for teaching and learning; and discussions regarding the bridge between language and culture in Chinese language teaching.This special issue includes eight articles that represent the different aspects explored by scholars. The first six follow standard empirical research investigations of different questions based in linguistic theory, cognitive learning and pedagogical approaches. The final two pieces introduce a different style of focus and format, presenting theoretical and methodological reports on innovations in thinking about Chinese words and grammar.

Local, Intermediate and Long-distance Binding: The Case of the Chinese Reflexive Ziji in the Long Bei-construction

Chen Yang, University of Leeds, UK

Valentina Brunetto, University of Leeds, UK

Abstract:This study tackles binding issues of Chinese reflexive ziji, an instantiation of so-called long-distance anaphors. We evaluated a “mixed” approach (Charnavel, 2019; Huang & Liu, 2001; Huang et al., 2009) to long-distance anaphora, by analysing the role of locality and logophoricity on the behaviour of ziji in the long-bei passive, an understudied construction in the domain of Chinese anaphora. Our analysis shows that the “mixed” approach, which claims that a long-distance anaphor is either a plain anaphor or a logophor subject to logophoricity, is not sufficient for capturing ziji’s behaviour in the bei-construction. We argue that when taking antecedence from the matrix subject of the long-bei passive, ziji is neither a plain anaphor as it is not locally bound, nor a logophor as logophoricity effects are absent. We suggest that ziji may have a third status: intermediate binding, i.e., neither local nor long-distance, but rather indirect resulting from the mediation of a null operator. Further research will look into other constructions that may involve intermediate binding, e.g., the ba-construction, and focus on properties of intermediate binding and seek accounts for it.

Key words:Long-distance anaphora, Chinese reflexive ziji, the bei-construction, locality, logophoricity


王少茗    澳门大学 

摘 要:汉语动词“呼吸”描述的是脊椎生物每时每刻都要进行的身体活动。随着“呼吸”出现在 2021年最新颁布实施的《国际中文教育中文水平等级标准》词表中,对“呼吸”动词的句法结构特征的描述变得越来越重要。本文利用诸多大型语料库抽样出199条含动词“呼吸”的单句,使用标注工具对这些单句进行了依存语法标注。从对句法依存关系、句法搭配强度的统计结果来看, “呼吸”的句法具有以下特征:动宾关系是“呼吸”最常见的句法依存关系,句法搭配强度最高的是“呼吸”与支配成分构成的核心关系;“呼吸”作为支配词的整体句法搭配强度是1.37。通过对“呼吸”句法特征的定量和定性研究,本文扩展了动词的句法特征研究,有助于在编纂面向汉语学习者的词典时全面呈现动词的句法特点。



周   洁    澳门大学

王   珊    澳门大学/珠海澳大科技研究院

陈姝池    澳门大学

摘 要:语法教学在汉语教学中占据着重要地位。虽然已有研究通过实验或者隐喻进行身体动词的认知研究,但对其语法特征以及语法教学的研究还有待深入。本研究选择蜷缩类身体动词作为研究对象,并对它们的语法特征进行了详细统计分析。研究结果显示,当这类动词用作从属词时,其句法依存关系按比例从大到小依次为:句子与核心关系、动宾关系、定中关系、并列关系、主谓关系、动补关系、介宾关系、前置宾语 - 动词关系。这些发现为深入了解该类动词的用法提供了依据,同时本文还提出了多模态语法教学的建议。


An Investigation of English-Speaking Students’ Acquisition of Chinese Complements: From a Cognitive Linguistic Perspective

Yinyin Peng, Zhejiang Normal University, China

Ying Peng, University of Leeds, UK

AbstractIn the practice of teaching Chinese as a foreign language to English-speaking learners, the Chinese verb-complement structure is an important yet challenging linguistic form. As one of the basic Chinese syntactic constructions, the verb-complement structure, on the one hand, is widely used in written and spoken Mandarin Chinese; on the other hand, it is relatively complex, including different types, and has no equivalent in English. Adopting a cognitive linguistic perspective to investigate second language (L2) learners’ application of Chinese verb-complement structures, this study examines 280 extracts of Chinese journals (free writing) composed by a group of lower-intermediate level L1 English students. Through analyzing factors impacting on L2 learners’ usage of Chinese verb-complement structures, such as the type of complements, the position of complements, formal markers, this study finds that the difficulty of each category of Chinese complements varies; primarily, syntactic complexity as well as conceptual differences in event description between Chinese and English are the main causes of learners’ errors. Based on these findings, this study provides pedagogical implications for teaching and learning Chinese as a foreign/second language.

Key words:Chinese verb-complement structure, cognitive linguistic perspective, error analysis

Chinese Second Language Learners’ Speaking Development During Study Abroad: Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency

Rongrong Guo, University College Cork, Ireland

Abstract:The purpose of this study was to contribute to the literature on second language oral Complexity, Accuracy, and Fluency (CAF) development by assessing English-speaking learners of Chinese during Study Abroad (SA) in China, which have rarely been investigated in an Irish context. Moreover, relationships between the CAF constructs and those between the sub-constructs impacted by Study Abroad (SA) were discussed. Data were collected from ten English-speaking undergraduates of an Irish university from two curricular oral tests during pre- and post- 10 months’ SA. Performance was elicited by topics, which were relative to the learning content when the learners were in the formal instruction context. To exhibit an in-depth evaluation of oral performance of instructed L2 Mandarin learners, fourteen CAF measures were analysed. The effects of SA on oral performance were explored by paired-samples t-tests. The results showed that the SA benefits oral gains in terms of speech fluidity, syntactic complexity (length and subordination), and lexical sophistication. Generalized from the analysis, trade-off effects are observed prevailingly between CAF constructs, while simultaneous improvements are present within CAF. This is attributable to the study abroad experience as well as the use of rehearsed monologue tasks in the study (Wright, 2020). It has shown that complexity and fluency were enhanced by pre-task planning (Skehan, 2009c; Skehan & Foster, 2001). Based on the findings, the study also provides pedagogical implications for the development of L2 Chinese oral performance in a university teaching setting.

Key words:Chinese second language learners, study abroad, complexity, accuracy and fluency (CAF)

Applying the ZPD to Language Teaching: A Study of the Integration of an Online Assessment Tool into a Chinese Programme

Weiming Liu, Dublin City University, Ireland

Abstract:During the time of Covid-19, language teaching faced numerous challenges and underwent significant changes. Online teaching platforms emerged as valuable tools in the digital learning environment. However, there has been limited exploration of how technologies are integrated into the online learning context, particularly in terms of supporting assessment design and promoting learner agency. To address this gap, the current paper conducted a study at an Irish university, involving eight students over the course of one academic year. These students were provided with both formative Loop quizzes for reviewing their learning content and summative Loop quizzes as continuous assessment tests. The qualitative research data for this study were gathered through participants’ questionnaires. The findings indicated that Loop quizzes as a mediating tool effectively complemented students’ synchronous learning in a flexible and efficient manner. An essential aspect of this project was the examination of the social context in which students demonstrated responsible learning actions and experienced areas for improvement under the guidance of the teacher. The pedagogical model employed in this study was derived from the Vygotskian Zone of Proximal Development, which demonstrated the development of learner agency. The potential study extends to offer insights for language educators as they seek to adapt their teaching practices to cater to the evolving needs of contemporary language learners.

Key words:Assessment, Chinese, learner agency, Loop quiz, ZPD



摘 要:直到目前,汉语只有字被编码。无论是手机书写或是网上阅读,所有的文章,全部是以 unicode(国际统一码)为内存。Unicode 是字形的代码,然而,文章其实是句的组合,句是词的组合,词是最小的理解单位。以 unicode 去记忆汉语文章是间接方式,unicode 不带义,所以无论是人阅读或是机器翻译都会被误解或曲解。百宝箱的思路是改用概念码(词的代号)来记忆文章,概念码是用语素定义,于是文字变得非常清晰准确,可以帮助汉语进入人工智能领域。本文详细解释语素码的设计。




摘 要:本文认为现行的汉语语法体系是使用西方语法的理念和体系之概念来表述的,因此,存在着对汉语中很多耳熟能详的语言现象尚未表述或已表述但阐释得不够充分的问题。本文则是以探索汉语的语言哲学根基及语用学两者之结合来构建一套全新的汉语表述和解读的体系 --- 序语法。


International Students’ Attitudes toward Chinese Character Learning: Interplay with Motivation and External Educational Factors

Tian Hong, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Luer Wang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Zhaojun Fan, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Tingzhu Chen, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Abstract:This study investigates international students’ attitudes towards Chinese character learning, examining their relationship with motivation and external educational factors. Utilizing the Attitudes to Mandarin Chinese Character Learning questionnaire, attitudes were analyzed into cognitive, affective, and conative components. Motivation was assessed through integrative and instrumental motivation scales, with external factors like teachers and course settings evaluated. Results showed no significant attitude differences based on gender or age but revealed disparities relating to academic level, discipline, and Chinese learning duration. Significant correlations among attitude components, motivation, and external factors were identified. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis indicated that variables like gender, Chinese learning duration, integrative motivation, and teacher influence significantly predicted the cognitive component, while integrative motivation and teacher influence were key predictors for affective and conative components. This study aims to offer insights for developing effective Chinese character learning strategies, highlighting the significance of student motivation and external educational factors.

Key words:Attitudes, Chinese characters learning, integrative motivation, external education factors


冯雪莹    德布勒森大学 

摘 要:本文采用课堂观察及教师反思日志调查并分析了对外汉语新手教师线上课堂纠正性反馈的频率、策略分布以及与偏误类型的关系。研究发现,对外汉语新手教师线上课堂的纠正性反馈频率较低,其中对语法偏误的反馈率最低。线上教学中重述是使用最多的纠正性反馈策略,其次是明确纠正。纠正性反馈策略与偏误类型有一定的关系:语音偏误的反馈以重述为主,其次是请求澄清;语法偏误的反馈以重述为主,其次是明确纠正;词汇偏误的反馈以重述和综合反馈策略为主。研究结果反映了线上教学模式下新手教师对学生的偏误不太敏感,尤其是语法偏误和语音偏误。此外,新手教师纠正性反馈策略的使用不够丰富,且倾向于选择能提供语言表达正确形式的反馈策略。



贺 赟    中央民族大学/爱丁堡大学苏格兰孔子学院

张齐红    中央民族大学/爱丁堡大学苏格兰孔子学院

摘 要:现代教育技术高速发展,国际中文教育数字教学资源及远程教学模式逐渐普及。本研究依托沙特阿拉伯中文项目,构建线上教学能力的3个一级维度及8个二级维度,并依据维度设计问卷和访谈。随后以40名负责小班课教学的职前国际中文教师为研究对象,通过问卷调查、追踪访谈、课堂观察,对项目内教师的线上教学能力展开了调查。结果显示,通过短期项目实践,职前教师在教学设计与分析、课堂组织与管理、教学评价与反馈三大维度均有不同程度的成长。其中,课堂组织与管理能力显著提升,教学评价与反馈能力提升程度相对不大。基于线上教学能力的情况调查,本文结合国际中文教育线上教学的特点、沙特阿拉伯的国别化特征,对职前教师线上教学能力的成长提出了建议。



张江丽    北京华文学院

摘 要:本文基于两大自建语料库——“外国留学生汉语笔语语料库”和“汉语母语者笔语语料库”,从完全书面语词汇、第一/第二人称代词、语气词这三个参数考察了中高级水平汉语二语学习者笔语词汇书面语特征的情况,并与汉语母语学习者进行了对比。研究表明:(1)中高级水平汉语二语学习者笔语词汇的书面化程度远不及汉语母语学习者。(2)高级水平汉语二语学习者笔语词汇的书面化程度高于中级水平学习者。(3)与中级水平汉语二语学习者相比,高级水平汉语二语学习者在完全书面语词汇的使用数量上增长较为显著;而高级水平汉语二语学习者在第一/第二人称代词和语气词的使用数量上均略有下降。


A Cognitive Linguistics Approach to Teaching Chinese Classifiers: A Case Analysis for Classifier tiao

Jiahuan Zhang, University of Cambridge, UK; University of Hong Kong, SAR China

Abstract:Cognitive linguistics (CL) is defined as the study of language in its cognitive function. While a CL approach to teaching second language (L2) is still at its infancy, it is conductive to adult leaners’ acquisition of meaningful linguistic units such as prepositions and classifiers. Noticeably, memorising Chinese classifier-noun mapping is one of the most challenging tasks during Chinese L2 learning. Learning Chinese classifiers has been placed peripherally in L2 classroom, with rote memory being the crudest way. However, it is often neglected that Chinese classifiers are unique in their transparent semantic association with corresponding head nouns, which justifies the employment of the CL approach to teaching classifiers. Considering most Chinese classifiers are polysemic in use with nouns, this study proposes to adopt a CL approach to teaching Chinese classifiers and the learning of their associated nouns. A CL approach to teaching classifiers is featured by five essential concepts: image schemas, prototypes, metaphors, semantic networks and principled polysemy. For a didactic purpose, only one frequently used classifier tiao (referring to long, flexible nouns) was exemplified to provide a means of differentiating the senses instantiated in principled polysemy. This study concludes that the CL approach is cognitively demanding for learners, and it may take much in-class time for teachers, albeit the potential to alleviate learning memorisation and genernalisation issues. Suggestions were made to situate the CL approach to teaching in an online self-learning scenario beyond classroom, and preferably for adult L2 learners.

Key words:Cognitive linguistics, Chinese classifiers, Chinese as a second language, principled polysemy framework


殷久涵    澳门大学

王 珊    澳门大学/珠海澳大科技研究院

摘 要:法律汉语词汇具有专业性强、抽象性高的特点,难学难记。将多模态话语分析应用到国际汉语教学中,用多样的模态丰富现有的教学方法,能够有效地促进汉语学习效果。本研究从立法汉语语料库中提取频次大于10的动词,根据《现代汉语分类词典》将其分为生物活动、运动与变化、社会活动三大类,基于多模态话语分析,结合传统词汇教学方法,探究立法汉语动词的教学方法。本研究发现,立法汉语中的动词适合使用翻译法和构词分析法进行教学。同时,可以综合运用图片、动作等各种模态作为辅助,帮助学生更好地理解词义。此外,也可以使用比较法对一些词汇进行辨析,以帮助学生理解法律概念。本研究能够为法律类词汇教学提供参考,丰富多模态话语分析理论的应用。


A Preliminary Investigation of the Effectiveness of Quizizz on Vocabulary Acquisition Between Individual and Group Practices in Chinese as a Foreign Language High School Classes in the U.S.A.

Lih-Ching Chen Wang, Cleveland State University, USA

Eddie T. C. Lam, Cleveland State University, USA

Shi Jiang, University School, USA

Abstract:Using Quizizz as the practice tool, this study assessed the relative effectiveness of gamified individual practice vs. gamified group practice on Chinese vocabulary acquisition among American high school students. Participants were high school students enrolled in Chinese as a foreign language (CFL) courses at five different levels in a suburban all-male private high school in the midwestern region of the United States. Students were first taught as part of a single large-group class experience, and then divided into two groups: individual practice and group practice. Results of the mixed-design ANOVA indicated there was no significant (p > .05) difference in the outcome between the two groups (individual vs. group practice). However, there was a significant positive correlation between study time and posttest scores (r = .668, p = .001). It is suggested that further research should include a larger sample size with both male and female participants as well as other types of gamified practice tools besides Quizizz.

Key words:Vocabulary acquisition, gamification, Mandarin Chinese, Mixed-Design ANOVA


许希阳    上海交通大学

陈 怡    上海交通大学 

摘 要:二语写作是个体行为,为了促进学习者在网络环境下的写作效果,本研究尝试合作写作学习模式,探讨其影响。本研究以汉语二语者为对象,采用教学实验和问卷方式,考察网络环境下的合作写作优势效应。研究结果发现,合作写作在汉语的流利性、准确性、部分词汇的复杂性等方面,均明显优于独立写作,并且二语者对合作写作的同伴反馈接受度高达90%。网络环境下的合作写作具有一定的积极作用,这一模式对构建学习共同体、培养学习自主性均有益处。



王昌宇    同济大学

刘运同    同济大学

摘  要:语料库已成为国际中文教育领域撰写毕业论文的常用方法或工具之一。本文基于知网、读秀等学术平台的搜索,对2010-2023年国际中文教育专业(含改名前的“汉语国际教育”“对外汉语教学”)专硕生的论文进行定量考察,聚焦目前使用语料库法进行学位论文写作的选题和研究方法。利用 Tableau、 CiteSpace 等数据分析软件,在定量分析和定性分析的基础上,描述分析目前各类选题范围的研究现状,并明确亟需注意的问题与不足,最后提出相应改进意见和建议



张冬秀    沈阳大学

彭   颖    利兹大学

曹   莹    沈阳大学

摘  要:作为一套综合教材,《中文听说读写》集系统的语言教学与新颖多样的文化内容于一体。基于《国际中文教育用中国文化和国情教学参考框架》(以下简称“参考框架”)审视该教材,其文化教学在内容上涵盖了《参考框架》的社会生活、传统文化、当代中国三大板块25个文化项目;在编排上,重实用性和生活性内容选取,重代表性、非常规传统文化项目的呈现,重对当代中国国情的多维展现。教材设计多样化文化教学模块,能有效地引导学习者在对比分析中感受文化,在真实情景下体验文化,以发展的视角理解文化。其以语言学习为基础的文化教学内容设计,为海外国际中文教材开发与教学提供诸多经验。









推  荐



刊讯|SSCI 期刊《语言与社会互动研究》2024年第1-2期


刊讯|SSCI 期刊《中国语言学学报》2024年第1期




刊讯 | CSSCI 扩展版《语言与翻译》2024年第1期




刊讯|SSCI 期刊《双语:语言与认知》2024年第1-3期


刊讯|SSCI 期刊 TESOL Quarterly 2023年第3-4期







审     核:心得小蔓






