
喜讯||《亚太二语与外语教育学刊》CiteScore 2021突破2.0!跻身同类期刊前16%!

重大项目课题组 认知语言学与汉语的认知研究 2022-12-22

近日,爱思唯尔CiteScore 2021年度(引用分)指标正式发布。《亚太二语与外语教育学刊》(Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education2021年CiteScore分值突破2.0!同比增长0.7!2022年至今实时引用分值1.8!

在艺术与人文类别下的968本语言与语言学(Language and Linguistics)同类期刊中,排名第150名;在社会科学类别下的1032本语言学与语言(Linguistics and Language)同类期刊中,排名第165名均跻身前16%!


国际学术期刊Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education(《亚太二语与外语教育学刊》)于2015年创刊,由西南大学外国语学院文旭教授担任主编,世界著名出版公司Springer出版。该刊审稿制度和编辑体例均严格遵从国际惯例,特聘请来自中国、美国、澳大利亚、加拿大、荷兰、日本、波兰、巴西、埃及、以色列等国的知名外语教育及二语研究专家组成编委会,实行同行专家匿名审稿制,并邀请国内外二语习得和外语教育领域内的知名专家担任审稿人。该刊目前已被ESCI、Scopus等数据库收录。


该刊欢迎以下领域的理论性、实证性和应用性论文:应用语言学、外语教育研究、二语习得、二语教学、课程与大纲设计、语言规划、语言政策及大数据在外语教育中的应用等。该刊办刊方向明确,内容特色鲜明,特别欢迎学术性、前沿性和创新性强的原创性论文。此外,该刊目前设有专刊“Technology in the teaching and assessment of writing”。热忱欢迎广大专家学者关注、赐稿!



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1. Title: Dialogic discussion as a platform for constructing knowledge: student-teachers’ interaction patterns and strategies in learning to teach English

Authors: Lawrence Jun Zhang & Donglan Zhang

Abstract: Beginning teachers are frequently heard making observations that the knowledge and skills they have acquired on the training programmes do not come handy when they want to apply them in their real-work situations. They have also reported lacking the ability to integrate theory and practice in reality. Henceforth, teacher-educators are faced with challenges of how to proportionally balance the two strands of pivotal knowledge that are necessarily connected with teacher-education curricula in pre-service teacher preparation. One of the approaches to examining the issue is to investigate student teachers’ dialogues for knowledge-construction to uncover the interaction patterns and strategies they use in negotiating lesson objectives and processes. Against such a background, this paper reports on a study of 24 student teachers receiving training in English language teaching on the Postgraduate Diploma in Education programme at a teacher education institution in Singapore. It was intended to find out the negotiation processes in relation to lesson-planning objectives and how student teachers positioned themselves and others in the processes in the pre-service teacher-education classroom. Results show that student teachers were more concerned about surviving the first lesson than about promoting pupil learning in constructing knowledge about language teaching. The stronger peers’ dominance in the discussion process was taken for granted, suggesting that learning took place in a mutually beneficial and constructive manner and that student teachers’ willingness to cooperate and readiness to express themselves were indicative of their intention to maintain group cohesion and dynamics. These, in turn, are necessary prerequisites for student teachers to become collaborative and reflective practitioners.

Link: https://sfleducation.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40862-020-00101-2


2. Title: Ecological understanding of foreign language speaking anxiety: emerging patterns and dynamic systems

Authors: Saba Kasbi & Majid Elahi Shirvan

Abstract: Anxiety in speaking English is a critical affective reaction to second language acquisition. Moreover, language learning is an emotionally dynamic process which produces fluctuations in learners’ speaking anxiety. Therefore, this case study was designed to investigate English as a foreign language (EFL) learners’ speaking anxiety from an ecological perspective based on nested ecosystems model and complex dynamic system theory. Four intermediate level female students with an average age of 15 were selected and participated in this study. Data were collected via semi-structured interviews recorded by the researchers over five classroom sessions, non-participant classroom observation and Motometers to provide information regarding the dynamics of students’ anxiety during these 5 sessions. The data were qualitatively content analyzed. Based on (Bronfenbrenner, The ecology of human development, 1979; Bronfenbrenner, The ecology of cognitive development: Research models and fugitive findings, 1993) nested ecosystems model, the emergence of learners’ speaking anxiety were categorized and analyzed first at the level of microsystem in terms of learners’ beliefs, motivation, cognitive factors, linguistic factors, affective factors, and classroom environment. Afterwards, the participants’ anxiety within three ecosystems including meso-, exo-, and macrosystems were also discussed as they were offered by the collected data. Learners’ anxiety was also analyzed based on the dynamic patterns of stability and variation in the participants’ micro development. The findings contributed evidence to the ecological understanding of the patterns and variables involved in learners’ speaking anxiety variation in light of the interaction of the individual and environmental factors.

Link: https://sfleducation.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40862-017-0026-y


3. Title: A longitudinal investigation into English speaking self-efficacy in a Japanese language classroom

Authors: Paul Leeming

Abstract: Self-efficacy is the belief in one’s own ability to carry out a given task, and has been shown to be a powerful predictor of performance. Although researchers have considered self-efficacy within language learning, it remains a relatively underused and unexplored construct. This longitudinal mixed-method study set out to address this, by developing a questionnaire to measure students’ English speaking self-efficacy, which was then given to first-year university students on eight occasions over the course of an academic year. Changes in self-efficacy were modeled using Hierarchical Linear Modeling, and potential predictors of change were assessed. The model showed that students grew in self-efficacy, although there were different rates of growth for individuals. Students were interviewed regarding growth in self-efficacy, and possible reasons for change. Students stated that efficacy increased as they became used to the class, but the importance of context as an influence on self-efficacy also emerged.

Link: https://sfleducation.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40862-017-0035-x


4. Title: Effects of using inquiry-based learning on EFL students’ critical thinking skills

Authors: Bantalem Derseh Wale & Kassie Shifere Bishaw

Abstract: The aim of this study was to examine the effects of using inquiry-based learning on students’ critical thinking skills. A quasi-experimental design which employed time series design with single group participants was used. A total of 20 EFL undergraduate students who took advanced writing skills course were selected using comprehensive sampling method. Tests, focus group discussion, and student-reflective journal were used to gather data on the students’ critical thinking skills. The participants were given a series of three argumentative essay writing pretests both before and after the intervention, inquiry-based argumentative essay writing instruction. While the quantitative data were analyzed using One-Way Repeated Measures ANOVA, the qualitative data were analyzed through narration. The findings of the study revealed that using inquiry-based argumentative writing instruction enhances students’ critical thinking skills. Therefore, inquiry-based instruction is suggested as a means to improve students’ critical thinking skills because the method enhances students' interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference, explanation, and self-regulation skills which are the core critical thinking skills.

Link: https://sfleducation.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40862-020-00090-2


5. Title: Investigating the professional agency of secondary school English teachers in South Korea

Authors: Wook Namgung, Josephine Moate & Maria Ruohotie-Lyhty

Abstract: This qualitative study examines the professional agency of secondary English teachers in Midwestern South Korea. Specifically, it investigates how secondary English teachers in South Korea understand their professional agency and what mediates their professional agency. The ecological approach in this study recognises that agency encompasses both individual and environmental dimensions and is formed through the constant interplay between the individual and the environment. The dataset for this study comprises 15 semi-structured interviews with secondary English teachers in South Korea. The thematic analysis highlights a significant gap between Korean English teachers’ espoused agency and realisable agency, as well as three levels of legitimation that teachers have to negotiate. These levels are individual, collegial and sociocultural. The findings from this study suggest that the participating teachers censored their own pedagogical behaviours due to their own sense of inadequacy and in response to structural requirements as well as the external evaluation of parents and high-stakes test scores. This study concludes with implications for English teachers in South Korea, theorisation on teacher agency and future research.

Link: https://sfleducation.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40862-020-00083-1







Intercultural Cognitive Linguistics: A Brief Introduction

Intercultural Cognitive Linguistics: A Brief Introduction

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