
Intercultural Cognitive Linguistics: A Brief Introduction

重大项目课题组 认知语言学与汉语的认知研究 2022-12-22

Online Talk

Intercultural Cognitive Linguistics:

 A Brief Introduction

Intercultural Cognitive Linguistics: 

A Brief Introduction” 

by Prof. Xu Wen


This talk aims to make a framework for intercultural cognitive linguistics (ICL) on the basis of cognitive linguistics, anthropological linguistics, cultural linguistics, intercultural communication, and among others. It explores the aims, scopes, and theoretical foundations of ICL in terms of some interesting examples. The data of this lecture are primarily from English and Chinese, which are concerning such topics as figurative languages (e.g. metaphor, metonymy, euphemism, irony), constructions (e.g. light verb construction, tautological construction), and some other linguistic or cultural phenomena. I do wish to demonstrate a general holistic picture of ICL.


Prof. Xu Wen

Xu Wen is Professor of linguistics and Dean of College of International Studies at Southwest University, Chongqing, China, where he lectures on semantics, cognitive linguistics, and sociolinguistics. 

His research focuses on (intercultural) cognitive linguistics, semantics, pragmatics, cultural linguistics, and translation studies. 

His publications include The Routledge Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics, The Cognitive Foundation of Language; Cognitive Linguistics: A Reader; The Pragmatics of Discourse Understanding, A Cognitive-Pragmatic Study in Ironic Utterances, and some academic papers in such journals as Metaphor and Symbol, Review of Cognitive Linguistics, Language Sciences

He is Editor of the journal Cognitive Linguistic Studies, Editor of the journal Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education, and editorial board member of such journals as Review of Cognitive Linguistics, Language Sciences, Metaphor and the Social WorldIntercultural Pragmatics, and others. 

Xu Wen is President of China Cognitive Translation Society, and the vice president of China Cognitive Linguistics Association, and China Pragmatics Association.


8:30-9:30 Central European Time

3 May, 2022 (Tue)


Online via Zoom 

(Meeting ID: 807 531 3809

passcode: 116768;




Welcome to the online talk 

at the scheduled time!

执行编辑 | 杨淑艳



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