
Health Care Science | 异种移植中的猪巨细胞病毒:人类移植的新前沿?

Wiley威立 2022-12-07

The following article is from Health Care Science Author HCS编辑部

Porcine cytomegalovirus in xenotransplantation: The new frontier in human transplantation?



The first gene-edited pig heart transplantation taking place in March this year in Maryland, USA, was hailed as a step into a new world, a promise to finally serve those who are waiting for organs on the heart transplant waitlist. Much effort had been put into this endeavor in the past decades, first to deal with the issue of complement activation and hyperacute humoral rejection, second to deal with PERV by inactivating the main enzyme reverse transcriptase, thus cells still produce virus particles which are able to infect new human cells, but they cannot integrate in the genome of the new target cell and third to control unwanted growth of the organ after transplantation using e.g. mTOR inhibitors.


In addition, early on, the focus had been already directed on porcine cytomegalovirus (PCMV) as a potential contributor of harm to both patient and organ. It was known, that almost 100% of the pigs were infected, it was known, that human fibroblasts could be infected, and it was known that humans working close to pigs (butchers, labors in the meat industry) displayed antibodies against PCMV indicating either an infection without symptoms or harbor antibodies which are directed against HHV-6, and which are cross-reacting with PCMV. It was known that PCMV more resembles HHV-6/HHV-7 and not HHV-5 (human cytomegalovirus HCMV) and it was known that particularly the main drug against HCMV, Ganciclovir Is ineffective against PCMV at clinical doses for humans but pharmacological control of PCMV with Cidofovir or Foscarnet at the cost of significant toxicity might be achieved. And it was known that PCMV in pig to baboon xenotransplantation not only leads to graft loss, but to a general infection of baboon organs eliciting via upregulation of adhesion molecules a consumptive coagulopathy. In addition, it was known, that the diagnosis of PCMV in pigs is difficult, and so far, needs tissue specimens to rule out a dormant infection controlled by the immune system as we know it from Herpesvirus infected humans. Hence a PCMV-free donor pig or population was deemed to be a prerequisite to provide a safe organ for transplantation.


Griffith et al. report in the NEJM from June 22, 2022, that “Testing for mcfDNA was positive for PCMV at low levels on day 20, and the levels increased over subsequent weeks. The detection of PCMV was unexpected, given the husbandry practices, negative surveillance PCR testing of nasal swab specimens from the donor animal before organ transplantation, and the use of antiviral prophylaxis. It is uncertain whether the detection of PCMV through plasma mcfDNA or PCR testing represents replicating virus in the xenograft, replicating virus in the recipient, or shedding of genetic material from the xenograft. The presence of PCMV in explanted xenografts from nonhuman primate recipients has been correlated with worse outcomes than an absence of PCMV, for reasons that are unclear.” Next to the PCMV findings they reported: “Further viral testing is warranted because human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) was also detected in a lung-lavage specimen from this patient. HHV-6 has been shown to cross-react with PCMV and has been associated with allograft rejection. No obvious viral cytopathic changes were identified on preliminary hematoxylin–eosin examination of thoracic or abdominal organs.” The findings thus far were not conclusive with typical findings of rejections and further studies are underway to identify the pathophysiologic mechanisms observed.


As a clinician, I would completely agree with these findings though the hottest lead in the moment seems to be PCMV. As we know, do zoonotic viruses infect humans such as HEV, for example, consuming undercooked meat. In general, harmless to humans, it might cause Hepatitis and there are only a few reports on severe courses of the disease, unless you are a recipient of an organ transplant under immunosuppression, under these circumstances, courses can become ugly and might end in organ failure. As a matter of fact, undercooked meat or ground meat from pork is consumed, for example, in Germany, it is called “Mettbrötchen” and widely appreciated, at least in Germany. Do we need a black box warning for eating undercooked pork meat in the future for xenotransplant recipients?

作为一名临床医生,我完全同意这些发现,尽管目前最热门的线索似乎是PCMV。正如我们所知,人畜共患病毒(如戊型肝炎病毒)是否会感染人类,例如食用未煮熟的肉类。一般来说,它对人类无害,但可能会导致肝炎,而且只有少数关于严重病程的报道,除非是免疫抑制下的器官移植接受者,在这种情况下,病程可能会变得很不乐观,并可能以器官衰竭告终。事实上,人们会去食用未煮熟的肉或猪肉碎肉,例如在德国,它被称为“ Mettbrötchen ”,并受到广泛赞赏,至少在德国是这样。我们是否需要在未来为异种移植受体食用未煮熟的猪肉设置黑框警告?

In the reported case the donor animal had been going through husbandry practices to provide a PCMV-negative population. Nasal swabs had been negative, but after xenotransplantation and the finding of PCMV in the recipient (patient's PBMC were positive for PCMV) tissue of the donor's spleen tested positive for PCMV, indicating that the animal was likely to have a latent PCMV infection. Hence the question is open, did the virus came with the pig's heart, or came it with food? Finally, how about the butchers working in the meat industry? Did they get infected at all or where did the antibodies come from. And how about the PCMV antibodies found in the normal population? There are a couple of open questions that certainly need to be addressed before boldly moving ahead.


Let us have a look at the “cost of significant toxicity” that might come with the treatment of a PCMV-infected heart xenotransplant. Ganciclovir, Cidofovir, and Foscarnet in combination with Calcineurin Inhibitors are nephrotoxic, which might cause end-stage renal disease which is a frequent complication after heart transplantation and is associated with poor survival [22]. In the reported case, renal function was normal at the time of death, but that does not exclude in general a potential risk in the future in a larger study population. In summary, we do not know the answer yet, but the question is: are we getting from bad to worse?


So, the question is, are we back to square one? We have to keep in mind, that if the recipient becomes infected with PCMV the virus will meet an immunocompromised naive immune system, it will most likely infect the pig heart (endothelium and fibroblasts), it might infect other organs of the recipient as well and it might trigger a consumptive coagulopathy by upregulation of adhesion molecules on the infected endothelium, it might cause a cytokine storm leading to a SIRS (Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome) given the recipients immune systems naivety to the virus as it already happened in baboons.


To prevent uncontrolled growth of the pig heart, baboons had been early weaned from steroids, and temsirolimus, a prodrug of sirolimus, had been given. Since mTOR inhibitors block TORC1 (Target of Rapamycin Complex 1) the intracellular target structure of HCMV for late replication the antiviral effect of mTOR inhibitors (e.g., Sirolimus and Everolimus) had been widely and prospectively demonstrated in human kidney transplantation. Given the preclinical data in the baboon studies, PCMV most likely uses a different molecular signal than HCMV, stressing again its difference to HCMV.


The solution to the current problem might be (1) PCMV-negative donor population (watch the dormant PCMV infection!), (2) development of an effective antiviral drug against PCMV, and (3) potential development of a vaccination against PCMV, something that might become arduous since we know that vaccinations under immunosuppression barely work, but it could be delivered before transplantation, because, if xenotransplantation becomes available, the surgery can be planned and so can a vaccination be given in a timely manner.


In summary, xenotransplantation comes closer, a drug to treat PCMV infections will be one of the next prerequisites, though once we have it, it was only tested in animal models since the large human population does not exist for clinical trials. Hence, we are facing another problem, I am convinced we will find a solution to deal with this as well.






Björn Nashan 教授现任中国科学技术大学第一附属医院外科教授和器官移植中心主任。过去几十年来,主要研究课题包括:实体器官移植中免疫抑制和免疫抑制方案的发展;肝脏、胰腺和肾脏移植手术、肝胆胰外科手术以及最近开展的在机器灌注方面的工作。除了临床工作之外,还致力于器官移植领域的伦理、法律、结构和后勤方面的发展,重点是推进质量管理共同标准的实施。Nashan教授在移植领域和免疫抑制和肝胆外科领域发表了大量的文章(超过325篇,例如Lancet, New England Journal of Medicine, American Journal of Transplantation等),并在各种组织、公司和政府机构的多个咨询委员会任职。


Health Care Science《科学医疗(英文)》,是由清华大学医院管理研究院主办、清华大学出版社出版、Wiley全球发行的同行评议(Peer-Review)和开放获取(Open Access)的医疗管理国际英文期刊。Health Care Science《科学医疗(英文)》以“科学领创,汇智医疗”为使命,以创办世界医疗管理和医疗卫生服务研究领域的顶级学术期刊为愿景,旨在为全球的研究人员、管理人员、学者和创新者提供一个科学交流平台,分享在医疗管理和医疗卫生服务领域的创新研究成果。

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(1) 医疗政策与医学伦理Health policy and Medical ethics

(2) 医疗评价与卫生经济Healthcare evaluation and Health economics

(3) 重大疾病与公共卫生管理 Public health management

(4) 医疗技术与医疗器械管理 Management of Medical technologies and Medical devices

(5) 药物安全与合理用药Medication use management

(6)  数据科学与信息技术Data science and Health informatics

(7)  医疗脆弱国家卫生管理及其他热点问题Healthcare management in low and middle income countries (LMIC)


(1) Original Article

(2) Review

(3) Short Communication

(4) Case Report

(5) Commentary

(6) News and Views

(7) Editorial

(8) Practice and Policy

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