
[05-06] Manuel del Pino (University of Bath, UK)教授学术报告

数学往事 数学往事 2023-09-03
  • 报告题目(Title):Dynamics of concentrated vorticities in 2D and 3D Euler flows

  • 报告人(Speaker):Manuel del Pino (University of Bath, UK)

  • 地点(Place):ZOOM ID: 967 6138 4440 Passcode: 085839

  • 时间(Time):6 May 2022, 4pm Beijing time.

  • 邀请人(Inviter):熊金钢

  • 报告摘要 Abstract: A classical problem that traces back to Helmholtz and Kirchhoff is the understanding of the dynamics of solutions to the Euler equations of an inviscid incompressible fluid when the vorticity of the solution is initially concentrated near isolated points in 2d or vortex lines in 3d. We discuss some recent results on these solutions' existence and asymptotic behavior. We describe, with precise asymptotics, interacting vortices, and traveling helices. We rigorously establish the law of motion of "leapfrogging vortex rings", initially conjectured by Helmholtz in 1858.

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