
HKIAC:新十年 新发展

新十年 新发展

New Decade, New Updates


As we head into 2020 — the beginning of a new decade and the 35th anniversary of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (“HKIAC”) — we take the opportunity to report on recent developments at HKIAC. 


2019 arbitration caseload reaches record number


In 2019, HKIAC registered a record number of 308 arbitration matters involving more than 450 contracts which represents a 16% increase from 2018. Comprehensive information and statistics on HKIAC’s 2019 caseload will be available on our website shortly.


Applications under the Hong Kong-Mainland China Arrangement on Interim Measures


2019 saw the entry into force of the Hong Kong-Mainland China Interim Measures Arrangement (the “Arrangement”) under which any party to an arbitration administered by HKIAC and seated in Hong Kong may apply to a Mainland Chinese court for the preservation of assets, evidence or conduct. 


Since the Arrangement came into force on 1 October 2019, HKIAC has processed 13 applications seeking to preserve evidence or assets worth a total of RMB 5.5 billion (approximately USD 798 million) in Mainland China. To date, court orders have been issued in respect of RMB 1.7 billion (approximately USD 244 million) worth of assets.


The Arrangement is an effective tool for protecting the interests of Mainland Chinese and foreign parties. Approximately 40% of applications in HKIAC’s cases have been made by parties from Mainland China and 60% by parties from Hong Kong, Switzerland, Singapore, Samoa and the British Virgin Islands. Approximately 60% of applications concerned assets or evidence possessed by parties from Mainland China and 40% concerned assets owned by parties from Hong Kong, the Netherlands, the British Virgin Islands and the Cayman Islands.


HKIAC has published information on its practice of processing applications under the Arrangement and has organised workshops in Hong Kong, Singapore and Mainland China on it. We will conduct a global roadshow on the Arrangement through 2020 with the next workshops to be held in Moscow (20 March 2020) and in New York (30 March 2020). If you are interested to attend or would like us to organise a similar workshop in your jurisdiction, please contact HKIAC’s Events Team at events@hkiac.org.


New members of HKIAC’s Council and Secretariat

HKIAC荣幸地宣布,2019年12月Karl Hennessee先生委任为理事会成员。 Karl Hennesse先生是空中客车公司高级副总裁兼副总法律顾问,他具有19年在空中客车公司和其他大型公司担任法务的经验。Karl Hennessee先生还曾在多家律师事务所担任执业律师、在德国和美国从事政府性工作并担任仲裁员。Karl Hennessee先生的委任是对HKIAC企业法律顾问代表的重要补充。查阅HKIAC理事会全部成员的名单请点击“阅读原文”。

HKIAC is pleased to announce the appointment to Council in December 2019 of Mr. Karl Hennessee, Senior Vice-President & Deputy General Counsel of Airbus. Mr. Hennessee has 19 years of experience as in-house counsel at Airbus and other major corporations. He has acted as an external counsel at law firms, provided government services in Germany and the United States and sat as arbitrator. Mr. Hennessee’s election is an important addition to HKIAC’s strong in-house counsel representation. A full list of HKIAC’s Council Members is available by clicking “阅读原文”.

HKIAC亦欢迎美籍人士Eric Ng先生任总法律顾问。在加入HKIAC之前,Eric Ng先生曾在香港担任五年的大律师,专攻国际商事及建筑领域的仲裁和诉讼。Eric Ng先生还在北京对外经济贸易大学担任兼职教授,主讲辩护与国际投资仲裁。Eric Ng先生拥有马萨诸塞州巴布森学院的学士学位、香港大学的电子商贸硕士学位、香港城市大学的法学博士学位和法学专业证书,以及牛津大学的法学学士学位。

The Secretariat is also pleased to welcome Mr. Eric Ng, an American national, as Managing Counsel. Prior to joining HKIAC, Mr. Ng worked for five years as a barrister-at-law in Hong Kong focusing primarily on international commercial and construction arbitration and litigation. Mr. Ng has served as Adjunct Professor at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing, lecturing in advocacy and investor-state arbitration. He has a BS from Babson College, Massachusetts, an MSc E-Commerce from the University of Hong Kong, a PCLL and JD from the City University of Hong Kong, and a BCL from Oxford University.


Precautionary measures in response to novel coronavirus infection


Considering the current novel coronavirus situation that has impacted Hong Kong as well as many other (primarily) Asian jurisdictions, HKIAC has implemented measures to ensure the safety and health of its staff and guests at its premises. More information is available by clicking “阅读原文”. These measures allow HKIAC to remain operational and accessible for hearings and meetings, and to continue providing case management services without interruption.

HKIAC 35 周年活动

HKIAC’s 35th Anniversary


HKIAC will hold a 35th Anniversary Celebration in Hong Kong on 5 May 2020 to thank those who have supported the Centre over the past three and half decades.





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