

四万学者关注了→ 语言学心得 2023-05-17


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Guillaume Thierry (Bangor University, UK)

Using experimental psychology and electroencephalography, Guillaume Thierry studies language comprehension in the auditory and visual modalities, and mainly the processing of meaning by the human brain, i.e., semantic access. Since he started his career at Bangor University in 2000, Professor Thierry has investigated a range of themes, such as verbal/non-verbal dissociations, visual object recognition, colour perception, functional cerebral asymmetry, language-emotion interactions, language development, developmental dyslexia and bilingualism. He has received funding form the BBSRC, the ESRC, the AHRC, the European Research Council, and the British Academy to investigate the integration of meaning in infants and adults at lexical, syntactic, and conceptual levels, using behavioural measurements, event-related brain potentials eye-tracking and functional neuroimaging, looking at differences between sensory modalities and coding systems (verbal / nonverbal), and different languages in bilinguals. More recently, Prof. Thierry’ has received funding from the Polish Academic Exchange Program to study the foreign language effect, namely how language of operation influence affect and decision-making in bilinguals. The core research question for him is how the human brain crystallises knowledge and builds up a meaningful representation of the world around it. Prof Thierry has also undertaken applied work over the years, taking him on the path of knowledge transfer to public audiences and professional bodies in domains such as Health & Safety, Environmental Protection, and Global Well-Being by means of public lectures, workshops and immersive theatrical events (Cognisens, Cerebellium).

Kevin Paterson (University of Leicester, UK)

Kevin Paterson is a Professor of Experimental Psychology at the University of Leicester, UK, and Invited Haihe Professor in the Faculty of Psychology at Tianjin Normal University. His interests include using measures of eye movements to understand cognitive processes in reading, including in Arabic, Chinese and English.

Manuel de Vega (University of La Laguna, Spain)

Prof. Manuel de Vega studies how the brain reuses sensory-motor, emotional and inhibitory control neural networks for language comprehension. He is Emeritus Professor at the University of the University of La Laguna (Spain), where he was Full Professor for many years, and previously at the University of Santiago de Compostela. He founded and was the former director of the University Institute of Neuroscience (IUNE). He has more than 100 publications, most of them articles in international journals of experimental psychology and cognitive neuroscience, and he has written or edited 6 books. He has supervised 22 doctoral theses and some 20 research projects funded by national, private, and European agencies. He has been president of the Spanish Society of Experimental Psychology (SEPEX) and currently an honorary member, Fellow of the Society for Text and Discourse, member of the Scientific Board of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP), Seasky Visiting Scholar For Distinguished International Professors in the University of Dalian (China), Collegiate of Honor of the Official College of Psychology of LPGC, Research Award from the University of La Laguna in 2015 and six research awards recognized by the Spanish National Evaluation Agency. He has chaired the evaluation committee of Psychology research projects of the Ministry of Research and Innovation of Spain. He has been visiting professor and has developed scientific exchanges in research centers in the United States (Harvard, Illinois, Oregon, Wisconsin, and Memphis), Italy (Bologna, Padua and Rome), Germany (Saarbrucken, Dresden and Freiburg), France (Paris and CNRS), United Kingdom (Sussex and York), Holland (Max Plank Institute of Psycholinguistics), Cuba (Centro de Neurosciencias de Cuba), Spain (Oviedo, Madrid, Granada, Barcelona,Salamanca, Santiago de Compostela), Chile (Concepcion), Argentina (Institute of Cognitive Neurology) and China (Dalian).


张积家(1955-),男,山东蓬莱人。中国人民大学二级教授,享受国务院政府津贴,已退休。现任广西师范大学教育学部特聘教授,教育部民族教育发展中心铸牢中华民族共同体意识教育与心理重点研究基地主任,广西壮族自治区铸牢中华民族共同体重点研究基地、广西师范大学中华民族共同体研究院首席专家。兼任全国民族教育专家委员会委员、中国心理学会民族心理学专业委员会主任、《心理科学》、《心理学探新》、《民族教育研究》编委。研究专长为心理语言学和民族心理学。出版专著和教材16部,在国内外期刊和报刊发表论文630余篇,其中, 121篇发表在《中国社会科学》、《心理学报》、《教育研究》、《外语教学与研究》上。获省部级优秀科研成果奖10项。


鹿士义,北京大学对外汉语教育学院长聘副教授、研究员,博士生导师。中国心理学会眼动研究专业委员会常务理事,中国英汉比较研究会语言测试专业委员会常务理事,《当代外语研究》二语加工研究专业委员会常务理事。研究领域为语言习得与认知、语言测试。著有《汉语作为第二语言习得与认知研究》、《第二语言习得理论导论》(译)、在《Second Language Research》、《世界汉语教学》、《心理科学进展》等期刊发表论文40余篇。


卢植,广东外语外贸大学二级教授,博士生导师。研究领域为外国语言学及应用语言学。中国认知翻译学研究会副会长、中国(国际)二语加工研究会副会长、世界翻译传译认知研究联盟副理事长;《外语教学与研究》、《外国语》、《现代外语》特邀审稿人;高等教育出版社顾问、高等教育出版社国家规划教材外语专业专家组成员,国家社科基金项目通讯评审专家暨成果鉴定专家,教育部学位办公室论文评审专家,国家语言文字工作委员会通讯评审专家。在Cortex,Brain and Language,《外语教学与研究》SCI及SSCI期刊发表论文80余篇。出版专著译著8部及国家规划教材1部。主持各类项目10余项,在研国家社科基金重点项目“认知翻译学视阈下的翻译过程研究”和广东省省哲学社会科学重大项目“认知翻译学的学理阐释及学科建构”。


常辉,上海交通大学外国语学院教授、博士研究生导师、院长。中国高校外语学科发展联盟理工类建设分委员会主任委员、中国英汉语比较研究会教育语言学专业委员会副会长、外语学科发展研究专业委员会秘书长、形式语言学专业委员会秘书长,二语习得研究专业委员会常务理事、英语教学研究分会常务理事、Journal of Second Language Studies联合执行主编、《当代外语研究》、《教育语言学研究》和International Journal of Chinese Language Teaching编委。



王小潞,女,博士,浙江大学外国语言文化与国际交流学院教授、博导,浙大城市学院外国语学院特聘教授,澳大利亚西悉尼大学(Western Sydney University,WSU)兼职教授;英汉双语国际期刊 Chinese as a Second Language Research (CASLAR) –《汉语作为第二语言研究》编委、审稿人;国际SSCI期刊Language Sciences, Language and Cognition, Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, Frontiers in Psychology, International Education Studies, Intercultural Pragmatics, Current Psychology, Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, International Journal of Bilingualism,中国权威期刊《心理学报》,以及《中国应用语言学》等多种中外学术期刊审稿人。中国翻译认知研究会副会长;中国认知神经语言学研究会常务理事;中国英汉语比较研究会教育语言学专业委员会常务理事;中国国际商务英语研究会浙江省商务英语协会副会长;浙江省外文学会副秘书长、常务理事;浙江省翻译协会常务理事。国家社科基金重大项目“汉语非字面语言认知的神经心理机制研究”首席专家,长期从事认知语言学、心理语言学、神经语言学、二语习得、汉语国际教育等领域的教学与研究。近年来主持完成国家社会科学基金一般项目、教育部人文社会科学研究重点项目及浙江省社科规划重点项目多项;其专著《汉语隐喻认知与ERP神经成像》和《汉语隐喻认知与fMRI神经成像》分别荣获教育部第六届高校科学研究优秀成果三等奖、第二十七届浙江大学“董氏文史哲研究奖励基金”二等奖和浙江大学哲学社会科学研究优秀著作二等奖,在国内外期刊上发表学术论文70余篇。



Language Embodiment and Relativity: Evidence in Chinese-English Bilinguals

Guillaume Thierry

Bangor University, UK

As soon as we master a language, several of our cognitive abilities that do not readily require language to operate and are seemingly independent from it interact with language representations in a highly sophisticated fashion, reflecting the highly integrated nature of human cognition. Examples of such cognitive abilities are perception, attention, affective regulation, memory, reasoning, and decision making. Although it is intuitive that such cognitive functions continuously interact with language in many ways, there is a paucity of data regarding the nature of such interactions. The quest for data shedding light on these interactions is difficult, however, and experimental paradigms used in the past are often criticised due to insufficiently controlled materials and experimental tasks. For instance, language-based studies involving overt reports and questionnaires often fail to acknowledge that they cannot test cognitive effects beyond the realm of language, since all proceedings are language-mediated. Behavioural studies also regularly fail to establish the level of awareness involved in tasks which could strategically, and therefore artificially, involve language on a metacognitive level. Here, I will present data from a set of studies showcasing the intricate nature of language-cognition interaction in the human brain, and particularly that of bilingual individuals who have come to master a second language in life. I will show how some language representations acquired early in life (i.e., from the native language) are there for life, influencing human cognition in a wholly unconscious manner. I will also show how new representations acquired later in life (i.e., from a second language) compete with native language representations and influence cognition unconsciously and ubiquitously. In closing, I will attempt to assess the repercussions of our observations for linguistic relativity and embodied cognition theory.

Eye Movements and Reading in Different Scripts

Kevin Paterson

University of Leicester, UK

A crucial question concerns how cognitive processes in reading differ across scripts. The aim of this talk is to contribute to this issue by considering evidence from alphabetic languages like English compared to Chinese. In doing so, I will focus on research conducted on effects of cognitive aging on reading, using data from studies using both measures of eye movements and electrophysiological measures of concurrent brain activity.I will use these findings to discuss how the specific characteristics and demands of different writing systems might modulate cognitive processes in reading.

Neurosemantics of First and Second Language

Manuel de Vega

University of La Laguna, Spain

Embodied neurosemantics proposes that word meaning reuses the very brain structures involved in non-verbal world experience; that is, meaning recruits perceptual, motor, and emotional neural networks. The evidence for this is overwhelming; for instance, diverse techniques (neuroimaging, EEG, brain stimulation, etc.) revealed that understanding action-related language activates the motor and premotor cortex, visual-related language activates the visual cortex, or emotional language activates the insula and the amygdala. Most of these experiments were conducted with participants who received the words or sentences in their own native language (L1). However, how does embodied semantics apply to the comprehension of a less dominant second language (L2)? In this talk I hypothesize that embodiment may be attenuated in L2, since L2 learners are generally less exposed to multisensory situations compared to the acquisition of L1. Furthermore, I propose that methods for teaching L2 could benefit from providing the students rich sensory-motor associations in the learning context.















Subject Pronoun Resolution in Korean Speakers’ Chinese: An Eye-tracking Study



Subject pronoun resolution has been one of the foci in L2 research. Previous studies showed that the difficulty in L2 pronoun resolution could be associated with learners’ failure to integrate syntax and other information sources in language processing (e.g., The Interface Hypothesis: Sorace & Filiaci, 2006; Sorace, 2012). This study aims to investigate subject pronoun resolution in temporal bi-clausal sentences (deshihou, when) in L2 Chinese by Korean speakers, and the role of verb-mediated re-mention bias and contextual meaning. An eye tracking experiment was carried out on intermediate and advanced Korean learners of Chinese as well as native Chinese speakers. Results from eye movement measures revealed that Korean learners of Chinese behaved similarly to native Chinese speakers in that verb-mediated re-mention bias and contextual meaning had an effect on subject resolution in the same pattern. The learners, however, were not as sensitive as native speakers to both the verb mediated re-mention bias and the context mediated bias, although advanced learners behaved more like native speakers. The results did not support the Interface Hypothesis, since Korean learners of Chinese behaved similarly to native Chinese speakers in pronoun resolution, especially on syntax-discourse interface.

Study on CFL Learners’ Word Segmentation Mechanism in Chinese Reading: Evidence from Eye Movements



Word, as a fundamental unit of sentence reading, plays an indispensable role in efficiently segmenting the sentence into meaningful units and effectively integrating meaning in a later phase of reading process. The awareness of word segmentation in Chinese is developed naturally in language acquisition for natives, but for Chinese as foreign language (CFL) learners, it needs training. This study investigated the reading patterns of CFL learners as the experimental groups and of Chinese natives as the control group by means of an eye-tracker to collect the participants’ eye movements, intending to understand CFL learners’ word segmentation mechanisms, including the group of learners from non-Chinese-character cultural circle countries (NC), and that of learners from Chinese-character cultural circle countries (CC). The experiment is a two-factor 3 (Presenting conditions: normal unspaced condition, word-spaced condition, nonword-spaced condition) × 3 (Participant groups: NC, CC, CN) mixed experimental design. The dependent variable is the individual participant’s eye-movement indices. The findings showed that the word-spaced text facilitated reading for NC participants substantially, while no significant effects were found for CC participants because the overall eye-movement patterns of CC readers were similar to CN readers. To CC participants, their highest reading rate was found in reading the normal unspaced text, while for those NC participants, they performed best under the word-spaced text. Based on the empirical data, this study provided implications to CFL reading teaching that for learners from non-Chinese-character cultural circle, word-spacing would be more beneficial to their successful comprehension than normal unspaced text. Therefore, for them, especially those who are beginners of Chinese language, interword spacing could be considered as a facilitating means in textbook presentation.








重  磅|南大核心 CSSCI 学科期刊目录正式公布!(含语言学)


重  磅|2022年度泰晤士高等教育中国学科评级发布!

招  聘|江苏师范大学“江苏省卓越博士后计划”招聘(语言学)







审     核:心得君




