

殷余民 APAPA俄亥俄 2019-05-20


All Photos are from Internet





亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民是美国增长最快的人群,2000年至2010年间分别为46%和40%。与全国10%的人口增长率相比,亚裔和太平洋岛民显然是增长最快的人群。 AAPI人口的增长部分源于越来越多的亚洲移民,2008年以来来自亚洲的移民人数比世界其他任何地区都多。






AAPI选民很重要,我们在政治和政策话语中的声音必须反映我们的诉求和需求 - 这可以通过选举更多的AAPI来达成。


AAPI影响力和实力的增长超越了政治领域,扩展到美国社会的各个方面。例如,AAPI是美国经济成功不可或缺的一部分 - 人口普查数据显示,AAPI社区每年为经济贡献近1.1万亿美元,而AAPI拥有的企业在全国雇用360万美国人。



毋庸置疑,投票对于保障AAPI的利益至关重要,但是AAPI却存在选民注册率低和投票积极性低的问题,不能通过选票完全反映我们的声音和实力。那么,作为社区领袖,我们应该如何去鼓励亚裔选民登记和投票呢?Norman Y. Mineta领导学院正在提供这方面的培训。

Norman Y. Mineta领导学院培训

通过Norman Y. Mineta领导学院的培训,社区领袖们将了解有效的选民动员策略和联邦/地方投票趋势,以及参与互动式研讨会和地方规划。4月7日在俄亥俄州哥伦布市就有一场培训,具体信息见下面的宣传画。全国其它城市也有这个培训,请查阅 apia.vote/NYMLIT2018 (或者点击文末“阅读原文”)。请大家抓住机会,立即报名参加。

关于Norman Y. Mineta领导学院

The Norman Y. Mineta Leadership Institute was launched in October 2006 in honor of Secretary Mineta’s lifetime achievements in exemplifying and promoting civic participation and public service. The institute will initially focus on launching its series of weekend long leadership trainings for nonprofit staff, community leaders and volunteers in various cities across the country in 2008.

One focus of these trainings to increase the leadership and organizing capacity of the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community by equipping leaders with the tools necessary to engage Asian American and Pacific Islander communities in successful electoral campaigns. The Norman Y. Mineta Institute trains participants on the foundations of non-partisan electoral campaigns, leadership skills needed to be a well rounded civic leader as well as provides participants with strategies specific to working with AAPI communities, fulfilling an unmet need in the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities.

Norman Y. Mineta领导学院培训目标

To achieve this vision, the trainings will focus on three areas:

1. Provide a framework for civic engagement and political organizing

  • To provide a political framework regarding the importance of electoral organizing for Asian American & Pacific Islander communities.

  • To deepen our political analysis of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders voters in our political system.

2. Provide participants with organizing tools to effectively build civic engagement programs

  • To provide tools that fosters our communities’ knowledge of outreach in order to create and implement effective voter registration, education and mobilization programs.

  • To support and nurture the next generation of leaders and volunteers

3. Increase and encourage regional partnerships

  • To provide a forum to share successful organizing models and lessons learned from local partners.

  • To develop a strategic plan focused on building capacity for the organizations to contribute to this joint effort.

Through this training, participants will learn about national and regional voting trends, engage in interactive workshops, and contribute in local planning sessions. They will also receive the nuts and bolts of running an effective voter mobilization program and how to incorporate civic participation into an organization’s existing programs and structure. Components of the training include the development of voter registration, education and outreach plans,voter mobilization, incorporating strong communications components, rules and regulations for 501(c)3 organizations, how to design and conduct evaluations and learn how measure programs and its impact.


  1. 邻居“老人参”的故事 (下)

  2. Enough is Enough: HB Walkout

  3. 棋局. 时局. 结局

  4. 团结起来,用我们的热情和温暖融化冰霜!

  5. 美国的魅力,从“美国女人”谈起

  6. 为了忘却的纪念:华工修筑太平洋铁路展

  7. 中国功夫登上NBA大舞台

  8. “妈妈你要不要送我?“---Peter Wang的故事

  9. 2018克利夫兰新春羽毛球邀请赛

  10. 美国华人的团结,从“沙滩上的女人”说起

  11. 行动起来!  反对FBI局长抹黑所有中国学生学者的言论

  12. 十四个全国团体联名致信FBI局长雷伊,要求会面,解释澄清其关于华人学生、学者是“整个社会”威胁的言论

  13. 2018年APAPA俄州暑期实习生项目开始接受申请

关于APAPA Ohio 公众

APAPA Ohio公众号是APAPA Ohio在俄亥俄华人协会(OCAA)的支持下办的公众号,旨在为俄亥俄的亚裔群体、尤其是华人群体提供一个分享、交流、互助的平台,宣传APAPA Ohio、OCAA和其他亚裔团体的活动,促进亚裔社区对美国社会、政治、文化、教育、法律等的了解。APAPA的全名是Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs Association (美国亚太联盟),是在美国联邦政府注册的501(c)(3)非营利组织,网址:apapa.org。OCAA的全名是Ohio Chinese American Association,是由俄亥俄华人成立的非营利组织,网址:OhioCAA.org。

