

2018-01-20 Grace Wang APAPA俄亥俄



青年们先讨论的话题是每一个成员的责任。每一个成员都会做一年领导职位。领导职位有主席,总裁,副总裁,书记,财务长,还有经理等。董事会负责制定整个青年团队的战略方向,确定中长期要做的几件大事,监督执行团队的工作,并向APAPA俄亥俄分部汇报青年团队的工作、执行APAPA俄亥俄分部交办的工作。主席是董事会的首领,负责领导董事会。执行团队负责具体策划、执行董事会的决定,并向董事会汇报工作。总裁是执行团队的首席执行官,负责监督整个团队,帮助团队 顺利运行;副总裁负责跟其它APAPA小组沟通,免得误传;秘书负责记下来每一个会议讨论的问 题,更新社交媒体;财务长负责管理财政;经理负责活动安排以确保其准顺利进行。

选举领导职位之前,每一位候选人作了演讲。祝贺Andy Yu,Hannah Qin,Grace Wang,Norah Xu,和 Flygon Zhang,当选董事会成员。



On November 25, 2017, APAPA Ohio Youth had their first formal meeting. The APAPA Youth group is an organization made up of talented Asian students and adult advisors dedicated to informing the Asian community about politics and encouraging more activity in the government. A student ran group, it has already presented at two Chinese schools about November ballot issues and local elections. 

During the recent meeting, the Columbus group discussed the inclusion of other ethnic groups, the responsibilities of each board member, general meeting information to ensure organization, and the elections for positions of leadership. In addition, Cleveland and Cincinnati had their first face-to-face meeting.

Each board member will serve one year on the APAPA Youth group. The positions are chair, president, chair, secretary, treasurer, and manager, which make up the Core Executive. Each member of the Core Executive has their own responsibilities and contributions to the team. The president is the chief executive of our board and proposes ideas to better our team; the chair communicates with the other APAPA Youth groups in Ohio; the secretary records meeting notes and documents events through social media; the treasurer manages finance and funds for social gatherings; and the manager plans and ensures a smooth execution of an event. Altogether, the group will work together to run APAPA Ohio Youth.

Each candidate that ran made speeches and wasn’t allowed campaign so that the votes were equitable. Congratulations to Andy Yu, Hannah Qin, Grace Wang, Norah Xu, and Fly Zhang for being elected for board members, respectively.

The group created set rules to guarantee efficiency, deciding that meetings were necessary once each month, with an optional meeting to guarantee a smooth execution of any event taking place.


